Kirby Nintendo

Kirby plush Nintendo Stuffed Soft Doll Large Toy for Children Kirby plushie bff gifts Birthday Gift EugeneeDesign. 5 out of 5 stars (4) Sale Price $17.25 $ 17.25 $ 28.75 Original Price $28.75' (40% off) Favorite Add to More colors Hoshi beanie,cute hat,lovely hat,Switch hat. Kirby's Epic Yarn began development as an original game by Good-Feel called Fluff of Yarn, but was given the Kirby license at Nintendo's proposal. A fourth game for the DS was released in North America on September 19, 2011, Kirby Mass Attack.

  1. Kirby Nintendo Wii
  2. Kirby Nintendo Unity
  3. Kirby Nintendo Ds Games
  4. Kirby Nintendo 64
  5. Kirby Nintendo Cake

Kirby Nintendo Wii


In this post, you will find the complete list of passwords for Super Kirby Clash, a Free 2 Start game available on the Nintendo eShop of the Nintendo Switch (released on September 4th/5th worldwide). Those allow you to get some extra Apple Gems for the most part, along with other goodies.

  1. This pink puff is pretty adorable—and strong, too! Watch Kirby videos, find games, take quizzes, read Nintendo news and more at Play Nintendo - a fun place for kids.
  2. Unique Kirby Nintendo Stickers designed and sold by artists. Decorate your laptops, water bottles, helmets, and cars. Get up to 50% off. White or transparent.

Looking for passwords for Team Kirby Clash Deluxe on Nintendo 3DS? Click here!
Make sure to download the latest Software update!

A few things to note about the passwords below: they are not region-locked, meaning the Japanese passwords should work in the European and North American versions, and vice-versa. Also, you need to be connected to the internet in order to use those passwords.

Kirby Nintendo

The passwords come from various sources: the Super Kirby Clash official website, messages from HAL Laboratory on Twitter, various promotional events (in Japan), and more. Naturally, we will try to keep this post updated as long as possible: if you see a missing password (or one that’s not working properly), make sure to let us know!

KirbyKirby Nintendo

Latest passwords (April 2nd)

  • クレジットのかくしコマンド (Gem Apple x10) [until May 2nd]
  • STAFFCREDITS (Gem Apple x10) [until May 2nd]

All passwords

  • SUPERKIRBYCLASH (10 Gem Apples, 50 of each type of Fragments) [end date unknown]
  • スーパーカービィハンターズ (10 Gem Apples, 50 of each type of Fragments) [end date unknown]
  • トピックスでハンターズ (10 Gem Apples) [no end date]
  • ぼくのよろずやチョーイカス (5 Gem Apples, 2 Stamina Potions, 2 Attack Potions) [until October 3rd 2019]
  • ふじさんみえるハルけんきゅうしょ (5 Gem Apples, 1 EXP Up) [until October 5th 2019]
  • GEMAPPLES (10 Gem Apples) [until October 6th 2019]
  • まいつきリンゴプレゼント (10 Gem Apples) [until October 6th 2019]
  • チョーブラボーないちまい (10 Gem Apples) [until November 4th 2019]
  • SCREENSHOT (10 Gem Apples) [until November 4th 2019]
  • ニャニャニャなハンターズ (5 Gem Apples) [until November 11th 2019]
  • フォーゲーマーからリンゴをどうぞ (5 Gem Apples) [until November 13th 2019]
  • ニャニャニャがくえん (5 Gem Apples, 1 Stamina Potion, 1 Attack Potion, 1 EXP Up) [until November 25th 2019]
  • カービィふくめてぜんぶでじゅっこ (10 Gem Apples) [until December 1st 2019]
  • GEMAPPLETREE (10 Gem Apples) [until December 1st 2019]
  • カービィいっぱい ヤマシロヤ (5 Gem Apples) [until December 1st 2019]
  • にじゅうまんフォロワーありがとう (20 Gem Apples) [until December 26th 2019]
  • KIRBYTWITTER (20 Gem Apples) [until December 26th 2019]
  • カービィカフェでもハンターズ (5 Gem Apples) [until December 31st 2019]
  • さむいからあたたかくしてね (10 Gem Apples) [until January 6th 2020]
  • HAMMERFLIP (10 Gem Apples) [until January 6th 2020]
  • カービィかくしげいたいいかい (10 Gem Apples) [until February 10th 2020]
  • DOCTORHEALMORE (10 Gem Apples) [until February 10th 2020]
  • だいにだんカービィカフェサントラ (5 Gem Apples) [until February 12th 2020]
  • いつもそこにはカービィカフェ (5 Gem Apples) [until February 28th 2020]
  • ジェムリンゴキュービィ (10 Gem Apples) [until March 5th 2020]
  • カービィたちのアイスなショー (10 Gem Apples) [until March 7th 2020]
  • FROSTKIBBLEBLADE (10 Gem Apples) [until March 7th 2020]
  • カビハンでフレンズなころがり (10 Gem Apples) [until April 6th 2020]
  • FRIENDCIRCLE (10 Gem Apples) [until April 6th 2020]
  • セクトニアさまかとおもったのね (10 Gem Apples) [until May 3rd 2020]
  • SECTONIA (10 Gem Apples) [until May 3rd 2020]
  • カービィにじゅうはっさい (28 Gem Apples) [until May 12th 2020]
  • TWENTYEIGHTH (28 Gem Apples) [until May 12th 2020]
  • スターアライズにしゅうねん (7 Gem Apples) [until May 16th 2020]
  • KIRBYSTARALLIES (7 Gem Apples) [until May 16th 2020]
  • はかたのカービィカフェたい (5 Gem Apples) [until May 31st 2020]
  • カインはみた (10 Gem Apples) [until June 1st 2020]
  • REGALTANGHAT (10 Gem Apples) [until June 1st 2020]
  • あまかけるランディアとぼくボク (10 Gem Apples) [until July 5th 2020]
  • MAGOLORANGARB (10 Gem Apples) [until July 5th 2020]
  • カービィとかいさつで (5 Gem Apples) [until July 30th 2020]
  • ターゲットはドーナツ (10 Gem Apples) [until August 3rd 2020]
  • DOUGHNUTHOLE (10 Gem Apples) [until August 3rd 2020]
  • カービィとなごやのかいさつで (5 Gem Apples) [until August 10th 2020]
  • カービィとおおさかのかいさつで (5 Gem Apples) [until September 6th 2020]
  • カービィカフェのおいしいじかん (5 Gem Apples) [until September 22nd 2020]
  • いっしゅうねんアニバーサリー (Gem Apple x30, Rare Fragment, Fire, Watern and Light Fragment x50, Stamina and Attack Potions x2) [until October 5th
  • 2020]FIRSTANNIVERSARY (Gem Apple x30, Rare Fragment, Fire, Watern and Light Fragment x50, Stamina and Attack Potions x2) [until October 5th 2020]
  • あきもカービィハンターズ (Gem Apple x5) [until October 31st 2020]
  • ボクもさんせんカービィファイターズ (Gem Apple x10) [until November 2nd 2020]
  • MAGOLOR (Gem Apple x10) [until November 2nd 2020]
  • コピーのうりょくしんだん (5 Gem Apples, 1 EXP Up) [until November 20th 2020]
  • きになるジェムリンゴのだんめん (Gem Apple x10) [until December 5th 2020]
  • GEMAPPLEPRESENT (Gem Apple x10) [until December 5th 2020]
  • つよびでやきとりブレイズエッジ (Gem Apple x10) [until January 4th 2021]
  • ROASTCHICKEN (Gem Apple x10) [until January 4th 2021]
  • ハルけんよんじゅうねん (8 Gem Apples, 6 Fire Fragments, 6 Water Fragments, 6 Light Fragments) [until February 21st 2021]
  • HALLABORATORY (8 Gem Apples, 6 Fire Fragments, 6 Water Fragments, 6 Light Fragments) [until February 21st 2021]
  • ファイターズメニューとうじょう (Gem Apple x5) [until February 28th 2021]
  • とびだせアナザーナイトメア(Gem Apple x10) [until March 5th 2021]
  • PARALLEL NIGHTMARE (Gem Apple x10) [until March 5th 2021]
  • はなさかカービィハルらんまん (Gem Apple x10) [until April 5th 2021]
  • WHISPYWOODS (Gem Apple x10) [until April 5th 2021]
  • クレジットのかくしコマンド (Gem Apple x10) [until May 2nd 2021]
  • STAFFCREDITS (Gem Apple x10) [until May 2nd 2021]
  • ハルのぽかぽかカービィカフェ (Gem Apple x5) [until May 31st 2021]
  • つばさハンターズ (5 Gem Apples, 1 Stamina Potion, 1 Attack Potion) [no end date]
  • カービィファイターズ ツーはいしん (Gem Apple x15, EXP Orb) [no end date]
  • KIRBYFIGHTERSTWO (Gem Apple x15, EXP Orb) [no end date]

Source: Nintendo / HAL Laboratory. Big thanks to anyone who contributed some of the passwords!

[This page is part of our Game Extras section]

Kirby Nintendo Unity

With what many consider a disappointing end to the Super Mario Bros. 35th anniversary celebration, some fans on social media are calling for a change in Nintendo's official mascot. Mario has always been the clear-cut choice for the face of Nintendo's brand, with the second-place spot being hotly contended between numerous possible candidates. Today, however, fans declared that Kirbyshould be heir apparent to become the company's mascot.

Throughout the anniversary celebration, Nintendo managed to give many fans what they wanted, but when the anniversary ended and popular games were delisted, Nintendo received a lot of backlash. In fact, fans were so upset by the removal of Super Mario 3D All-Stars, a collection of Super Mario 64, Galaxy, and Sunshine, that many took to Twitter to get #KirbyNintendoMascot trending in an effort to replace Mario as the face of the company following his 'death.'

RELATED: Nintendo Teases New Kirby Announcements In 2021

While Link appeared to be an obvious choice, with Breath of the Wild being one of Nintendo's most popular releases of all time, or Samus could be good given she is backed by the enduring power of the Metroid franchise, fans on Twitter apparently decided that Nintendo was better suited with a more kid-friendly mascot. Kirby is the type of character who could be made seamlessly into a huggable plush. With their choice made and hashtag ready to go, fans took social media by storm, sharing their favorite memes and images of Kirby.

Kirby Nintendo Ds Games

Mario will die today and our pink overlord will be chosen

— Gearox but a Box (@AGearox) March 31, 2021

Mario is dead

— Awesomec: CEO of Memes (@awesomec26) March 31, 2021

The images shared range from impromptu shots of Kirby plushies pitted against Mario ones to time-tested memes, and even screenshots taken from a myriad of different Kirby titles. While the movement is mostly light-hearted fun, hidden among the frenzy is a reminder of the undeniable momentum that can be generated by Nintendo fans. It has been a running joke that Mario would die on March 31, and at least for today, it seems like he has for many fans. Though, on a lighter note, the feed can be viewed as an appreciation party for Kirby, who many feel has long been neglected despite years of loyal service to Nintendo.

#KirbyNintendoMascot Everyone, Mario has led Nintendo for TOO. LONG. It's about time we had the real Super Star in charge! KIRBY FOR NINTNEDO'S MASCOT!

— Hazzy (@BattleBot18) March 30, 2021Kirby nintendo 3ds games

#KirbyNintendoMascot wow kirby is da new face of Nintendo! Amazin

— P-Dunk (commissions open!) (@PSI_Arts) March 31, 2021

Kirby Nintendo 64

The timing, from Nintendo's perspective, could not be any better. With April Fool's Day just around the corner, Nintendo could potentially play with this momentum in a number of ways, though it's unclear how self-aware the company is willing to be in this regard. Despite the zealous effort behind the #KirbyNintendoMascot hashtag, it's unlikely Mario will ever be replaced by Kirby as Nintendo's official mascot. He has a long history being at the forefront of video game culture, even with multiple Mario games having been cancelled in the past.

MORE: Nintendo Thanks Fans for Celebrating Super Mario Anniversary on Day It's Removing Games from Sale

Kirby Nintendo Cake

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