Angularjs Cheat Sheet

Angular for JavaScript; Cheat Sheet (v 2.X.Y) TypeScript. Powered by Google ©2010-2017. Code licensed under an MIT-style License. Documentation licensed under CC BY 4.0. This cheat sheet co-authored by Ravi Kiran and Suprotim Agarwal, aims at providing a quick reference to the most commonly used features in AngularJS. It will also make you quickly productive with Angular. This article is from the Free DNC Magazine for.Net and JavaScript developers. Abstract: This Angular 10 Cheatsheet tutorial details significant changes in Angular 9 and some new features introduced in Angular 10. It also contains info to upgrade to Angular 10. Angular is a popular framework for JavaScript/ TypeScript application development.

Updated June 6, 2018

AngularJS Cheat Sheet Review. Review of AngularJS Cheat Sheet powered by the Slant community. Ranked in these Questions Question Ranking #7.

In this post I give an overview of the most uses Angular CLI command.

Using the CLI commands can greatly boost your productivity on Angular projects.

Create a new app

Create a new angular application with the default styling option CSS.

Create new angular project with scss styling and a routing module.

More info:

Build and start the app

Build the app and start it as a webserver.

You can reach the app at: http://localhost:4200/

Build your app and open it in the webbrowser

Serve your app on a different port and use ssl.

Your app will be here: https://localhost:4444/

Build using Ahead of Time compilation.

This is useful to test aot, which will be used when you compile for production.

Serve your app inside a base url

This will run the app below the url /my-app.
Your app will be here: http://localhost:4200/my-app/
This is useful when you are deploying later to a similar URL and want to develop with this URL too.

More info on ng serve :

Build the app

Default build

Compiles the application into an output directory.
The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.

Angularjs Cheat Sheet For Beginners

Production build

Productie build for a app with a base url: /my-app/

Environment test Build for a app with a base url: /my-app/

Build dev environment with all production elements enabled

Provide an output path for the compiled code.

Useful when automating your workflow.

More info on build:


Update the app

Updates the current application to latest versions.

See the update without making changes.

Run through without making any changes.
Will list all files that would have been created when running ng update.

More info:


Generates the specified blueprint.
You can also use the shorter notation: ng g
I will use the short notations in the examples below.
For the full notation see the official documentation.

Generate a module

Generate a module with a routing module

Angularjs Cheat Sheet

This is handy when creating a lazy loading module.

Generate a component

Generate a component without a spec file

Generate a interface

Generate an interface with a “type”

This will create an interface with the file name:

Generate a class

Generate an enumeration

Generate a service

Generate a guard

Generate a pipe

Generate a directive

Simulating a generate command.

Add the option –dry-run (-d) to run generate without making any changes.
It will list all files that would have been created when running ng generate.

More information on generate:

Best practises.

For each feature of your app create a module and create your other components inside this module.
This will make it easy to eager or lazy load this feature of your app.
See also Angular style guid:

Example cars feature

  • Create a module cars with the routing module
Angularjs Cheat Sheet
  • Next create components inside this module

Angularjs Cheat Sheet 2020

Create interfaces, classes and services inside a shared folder of this module.

  • Create a interface (model) for the cars in a shared folder inside this module
  • Create a service to fetch data in the shared folder inside this module.

This results in the following directory structure

Read more about the Angular CLI:

Learn more about Angular’s best practices on the official Angular style guide:

Create vs. Get AngularJS application

The module dependency array tells AngularJS to create an app, otherwise to load it:

Create myAppvar app = angular.module('myApp', []);
Get myAppvar app = angular.module('myApp');


  • @ Text binding, expressions are supported using {{ }}
  • = Two-way binding
  • & Method binding
  • < One-way binding (usually for components)
  • ? for an optional binding e.g. @? for an optional string binding

Service, Factory, Provider, Value & Controller

  • A Service is a singleton instance of a custom object. In can be used to share state or usually to wrap the remote REST API in a reuseable faction. It is injected using the name (review sample).
    Basically simple AngularJs beans we want to inject later.
  • The Factory follows as the name already tells the factory pattern and so allows us to construct either a complex value we want to inject into our controllers or even already existing JS objects which require any dependencies upfront. Basically wrap beans which need a constructor injection (review sample).


  • A Provider is the base for factory and service and has the biggest flexibility. Most important it can be injected into the config method and so configured before the first usage (review sample).
  • A Value is a simple object, int or string we want to make available for injection

HTML elements in AngularJS

Access HTML element Directive

The easiest way is just to use the link method:

Access HTML element in Component

In a component we can just inject the $element.

Access raw HTML element

As you can see in the last example we can access the raw DOM element using [0] on the wrapped element.

Restrict in Angular Directive

The restrict option is typically set to:

  • 'A' – only matches attribute name
  • 'E' – only matches element name
  • 'C' – only matches class name
  • 'M' – only matches comment

These restrictions can all be combined as needed:

  • 'AEC' – matches either attribute or element or class name

URL Routing to AngularJS components

Angularjs Cheat Sheet

ocLazyLoad angular components during routing

As the lifecycle of components is a bit different we have to eager load them using ocLazyLoad:

Access URL parameters

The easiest way to access the URL params is just to inject $stateParams into the component get read it. A bit cleaner is using the resolve of the state to inject the parameters into the component. As so we have to keep in mind that happens async, which means we have to implement the $onInit method to get hold of the injected values into our component. More to components.

Dynamic ncyBreadcrumb label for AngularJS Components

Accessing just the $scope doesn’t always work well during the reload of the page furthermore, it doesn’t work for components anyhow. The easiest way is just to inject the $breadcrumb service and be done with it: